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发布时间:2018-05-14  来源:太阳娱乐娱城官网8722主页 点击阅读数:

1.YayingLi, Stephen J. Chapman, Graeme W. Nicol,Huaiying Yao*. Nitrificationand nitrifiers in acidic soils. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 2018, 116: 290-301.

2.XienLong,Huaiying Yao*, Ying Huang, Wenxue Wei, Yongguan Zhu*. Phosphatelevels influence the utilisation of rice rhizodeposition carbon and thephosphate-solubilising microbial community in a paddy soil. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM,2018, 118: 103-114.

3.XienLong., Ying Huang, Haifeng Chi, Yaying Li, Naseer Ahmad,Huaiying Yao*.Nitrous oxide flux, ammonia oxidizer and denitrifier abundance and activityacross three different landfill cover soils in Ningbo, China. J CLEAN PROD,2018, 170: 288-297.

4.HongkaiLiao, Stephen James Chapman, Yaying Li,Huaiying Yao*. Dynamics ofmicrobial biomass and community composition after short-term water statuschange in Chinese paddy soils. ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R, 2018, 25: 2932-2941.

5.HongkaiLiao, Yaying Li*,Huaiying Yao*. Fertilization with inorganic andorganic nutrients changes diazotroph community composition and N-fixationrates. J SOIL SEDIMENT, 2018, 18: 1076-1086.

6.FuxiaPan, Stephen James Chapman, Yaying Li*,Huaiying Yao*. Straw amendmentto paddy soil stimulates denitrification but biochar amendment promotesanaerobic ammonia oxidation. J SOIL SEDIMENT, 2017, 17: 2428-2437.

7.RuijiaoXi, Xien Long, Sha Huang,Huaiying Yao*. pH rather than nitrificationand urease inhibitors determines the community of ammonia oxidizers in avegetable soil. AMB Express, 2017, 7: 129.

8.HuaiyingYao*,Sha Huang, Qiongfen Qiu, Yaying Li, Lianghuan Wu,Wenhai Mi, Feng Dai. Effectsof different fertilizers on the abundance and community structure of ammoniaoxidizers in a yellow clay soil. APPL MICROBIOL BIOT, 2016, 100: 6815-6826.

9.FuxiaPan, Yaying Li, Stephen J. Chapman,Huaiying Yao*. Effect of rice strawapplication on microbial community and activity in paddy soil under differentwater status. ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R, 2016, 23: 5941–5948.

10.FuxiaPan, Yaying Li, Stephen J. Chapman, Sardar Khan,Huaiying Yao*.Microbial utilization of rice straw and its derived biochar in a paddy soil.SCI TOTAL ENVIRON, 2016, 559: 15-23.

11.JuanWang, Stephen J. Chapman,Huaiying Yao*. Incorporation of13C-labelledrice rhizodeposition into soil microbial communities under different fertilizerapplications. APPL SOIL ECOL, 2016, 101: 11-19.

12.HuaiyingYao*,Steve Chapman, Barry Thornton, Eric Paterson.13C PLFAs: a key toopen the soil microbial black box? PLANT SOIL, 2015, 392: 3-15.

13.HuaiyingYao*,YongguanZhu. Microbial ecology associated to soil-plant interactions: exemplifyingrecent progress in East Asia. PLANT SOIL, 2015, 392: 1-2.

14.YingHuang, Xi-En Long, Stephen J. Chapman,Huaiying Yao*. Acidophilicdenitrifiers dominate the N2O production in a 100-year-old teaorchard soil. ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R, 2015, 22: 4173-4182.

15.Xi-EnLong,Huaiying Yao*, Juan Wang, Ying Huang, Brajesh K. Singh, YongguanZhu*. Community structure and soil pH determine chemoautotrophic carbon dioxidefixation in drained paddy soils, ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 2015, 49: 7152-7160.

16.Jing Zou, Shengli Wu, Yi Liu, Yanjuan Sun, Yuan Cao,Jyh-Ping Hsu,Andrew Thye Shen Wee,Jizhou Jiang*. Anultra-sensitive electrochemical sensor based on 2D g-C3N4/CuOnanocomposites for dopamine detection.Carbon2018, 130,652-663.(影响因子6.337)

17.YanjuanSun#,Jizhou Jiang#(共同第一作者), YiLiu, Shengli Wu, Jing Zou*. A facile one-pot preparation of Co3O4/g-C3N4heterojunctions with excellent electrocatalytic activity for the detection ofenvironmental phenolic hormones.Applied Surface Science2018,430, 362-370. (影响因子3.387)

18.JizhouJiang, Calvin Pei Yu Wong, Wenjing Zhang, Andrew Thye Shen Wee.Atmospheric pressure fabrication of large-sized single-layer rectangular SnSeflakes.Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2018, 21 (133). doi:10.3791/57023.(SCI)

19.YanjuanSun,JizhouJiang*(共同通讯作者),YuanCao, Yi Liu, Shengli Wu, Jing Zou*. Facile fabrication of g-C3N4/ZnS/CuSheterojunctions with enhanced photocatalytic performances and photoconduction.MaterialsLetters2018, 212, 288-291. (影响因子2.572)

20.JizhouJiang,CalvinPei Yu Wong,Jing Zou, Shisheng Li, Qixing Wang, Jianyi Chen, Dainyu Qi, Hongyu Wang, GokiEda, Daniel Chua, Yumeng Shi, Wenjing Zhang*, Andrew Thye Shen Wee*.Two-stepfabrication of single-layer rectangular SnSe flakes.2DMaterials2017, 4, 021026 (1-9).(影响因子6.937)

21. YiLiu,Jizhou Jiang*(共同通讯作者),Yanjuan Sun, Shengli Wu, Yuan Cao, Wanyun Gong, Jing Zou*. NiO and Co3O4co-doped g-C3N4nanocomposites with excellentphotoelectrochemical properties under visible light for detection oftetrabromobisphenol-A.RSC Advances2017, 7, 36015-36020.(影响因子3.108)

22. YuChen#, Jun Liu#,Jizhou Jiang#(共同第一作者),Xiaofeng Zhou, Shuqing Chen, Yan Luo. Two-dimensional (2D) materials basedoptoelectronics.Advances in Condensed Matter Physics2017, 2017,5789823(1-2). (SCI)

23.JizhouJiang, Jing Zou, Andrew Thye Shen Wee, Wenjing Zhang*. Use ofsingle-layer g-C3N4/Ag hybrids for surface-enhanced Ramanscattering (SERS).ScientificReports2016,6,34599(1-10).(影响因子4.259)

24.Jizhou Jiang*. Improving carbon nitride SERS activity by two-stepcalcining.RSC Advances2016,6,47368-47372.(影响因子3.108)

25.JingWang#,Jizhou Jiang#(共同第一作者), WeiChen, Zhengwu Bai*. Synthesis and characterization of chitosan alkyl urea.CarbohydratePolymers2016, 145, 78-85.(影响因子4.811)

26.JizhouJiang*.Efficient SERS and electrocatalyticactivities of micro/nano-structured shower-nozzle-like volcanic ash.MaterialsLetters2016, 165, 169-172. (影响因子2.572)

27.JizhouJiang*.Novel applications of micro/nanostructured volcanic ash for water purification and surface enhanced Ramanspectroscopy.Analytical Letters2016, 49, 2793-2806.(SCI)

28.Yanling Yang, Xiaoxue Ye, Yusang Li*, Zhifang Tan,Jizhou Jiang*(共同通讯作者).Determination of morphine in pharmaceutical products by on-line solid-phaseextraction and high-performance liquid chromatography.AnalyticalLetters2016,49, 1303-1309.(SCI)

29..JizhouJiang,Lihua Zhu, Jing Zou, Lei Ou-yang, Anmin Zheng, Heqing Tang*.Micro/nano-structured graphitic carbon nitride-Ag nanoparticle hybrids assurface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates with much improved long-termstability.Carbon2015, 87, 193-205.(影响因子6.337)

30.Jing Zou*, Wanyun Gong, Jinai Ma, Lu Li,Jizhou Jiang*(共同通讯作者).Efficient catalytic activity BiFeO3nanoparticles prepared by novelmicrowave-assisted synthesis.Journal of Nanoscience andNanotechnology2015, 15, 1304-1311.(SCI)

31 Ma, L.; Wu, J.; Wang, S.; Yang,H.; Liang, D.; Lu, Z.*, Synergistic antibacterial effect of Bi2S3nanospherescombined with ineffective antibiotic gentamicin against methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus.J. Inorg.Biochem. 2017,168, 38-45  

32 Wang, S.; Wu, J.; Yang, H.;Liu, X.; Huang, Q.; Lu, Z.*, Antibacterial activity and mechanism of Ag/ZnOnanocomposite against anaerobic oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans. J. Mater.Sci-Mater. Med. 2017,28, 23

33 Wu, J.; Wang, Y.; Yang, H.;Liu, X.; Lu, Z.*, Preparation and biological activity studies of resveratrolloaded ionically cross-linked chitosan-TPP nanoparticles. Carbohyd. Polym.2017,175, 170-177

34 Lu, Z.; Gao, J.; He, Q.; Wu,J.; Liang, D.; Yang, H.; Chen, R.*, Enhanced antibacterial and wound healingactivities of microporous chitosan-Ag/ZnO composite dressing. Carbohyd. Polym.2017,156, 460-469

35Liang, D.; Lu, Z.*; Yang, H.; Gao, J.; Chen, R*. NovelAsymmetric Wettable AgNPs/Chitosan Wound Dressing: In Vitro and In VivoEvaluation. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.,2016,8, 3958-3968 

36. Wei, D.; Tian, F.; Lu, Z.*;Yang, H.; Chen, R.*, Facile synthesis of Ag/AgCl/BiOCl ternary nanocompositesfor photocatalytic inactivation of S. aureus under visible light. RSC Adv.2016,6, 52264-52270

37 Ting Hu,Qi-mei Liu, Xiao-wei He, Fei Huang, Ming-wei Zhang, Jian-guo Jiang*.Identification of bioactives from Astragalus chinensis L.f. and theirantioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects. Journal of FoodScience and Technology, 2017, 54(13): 4315-4323.

38 Tian-tianZhang#, Ting Hu#, Jian-guo Jiang*, Jing-wen Zhao, Wei Zhu*. Antioxidant andanti-inflammatory effects of polyphenols extracted from Ilex latifolia Thunb.RSC Advances, 2018, online.(共同第一作者)

39Xiao-qiang Chen#, Ting Hu#, Yu Han#, Wei Huang, Hai-bo Yuan, Yun-tian Zhang, YuDu, Yong-wen Jiang*. Preventive effects ofcatechins oncardiovascular disease. Molecules, 2016, 21(12), 1759.(共同第一作者)

40.ShengdongZhu,* Maolin Yang, Fang Luo, Xiaojun Yang, and Yongping Xue. Engineering CellWall-Degrading Enzymes into Growing Plants to Improve Lignocellulosic EthanolProduction. Bioresources, 2018, 13(1): 3-5.

41.ShengdongZhu,* Fang Luo, Wenjing Huang, Wangxiang Huang, Yuanxin Wu. Comparison of threefermentation strategies for alleviating the negative effect of the ionic liquid1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate on lignocellulosic ethanol production.Applied Energy, 2017, 197: 124-131.

42.WangxiangHuang, Jiancheng Jin, Liang Feng, Wenjing Huang, Ke Wang,Yi Liu, Yuanxin Wu,Shengdong Zhu*. Microcalorimetric Investigation of the Effect of the IonicLiquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Chloride on the Fermentation ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae AY93161 for Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production. TheOpen Biotechnology Journal, 2016, 10: 391-397.

43.ShengdongZhu,* Ke Wang, Wenjing Huang, Wangxiang Huang, Bo Cheng, Jie Chen, RuiZhang, Qiming Chen, Yuanxin Wu. Acid catalyzed hydrolysis of lignocellulosicbiomass in ionic liquids for ethanol production: opportunities &challenges. Bioresources, 2016, 11(1): 3-5.

44.Y.Yuan, X.Y. Jin, Z.Y. Fan, S.M. Li, Z.Q. Lu. In vivo degradation of copolymersprepared from L-lactide, 1,3-trimethylene carbonate and glycolide ascoronary stent materials. Journal of materials science: materials inmedicine. 2015, 26(3):1-9

45.Zeng Dong-Fang, Chen Bin. 2015.Genetic variability and bottleneck detection of fourTricholomamatsutakepopulations from northeastern and southwestern China. ENVIRONMENTALMICROBIOLOGY, 17(8): 2870-2881.

46.Yang H.*, He Y. T., Wu Z. Q., Miao J.,Yang F., Lu Z. Fabrication of a superhydrophobic and high-glossy copper coatingon aluminum substrates.Appl. Surf. Sci.,2018, 433, 1192-1196.(中科院二区,影响因子3.387TOP期刊)

47.YangF., Huang X. J., Zhang C. L., Zhang M., Huang C.,Yang H.*. Aminoacid composition and nutritional value evaluation of Chinese chestnut (CastaneamollissimaBlume) and its protein subunit.RSC Adv.,2018, 8,2653-2659.(中科院三区,影响因子3.108)

48.SongS.,YangH.*,Zhou C. L., Cheng, J.,JiangZ. B., Lu Z.,Miao J. Underwater superoleophobic mesh based on BiVO4nanoparticleswith sunlight-driven self-cleaning property for oil/water separation.Chem. Eng. J.,2017, 320,342-351.(中科院一区,影响因子6.216TOP期刊)

49.Yang H., Hu X. J., Su C. P., Liu Y. L.,Chen R. Reversibly photo-switchable wettability of stearic acid monolayermodified bismuth-based micro-/nanomaterials.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2017,19, 31666-31674.(中科院二区,影响因子4.123TOP期刊)

50.ZengW. G., Chen J.,Yang H.*, Deng L. D., Liao G. F., Xu Z. S*.Robust coating with superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties in either airor oil based on natural zeolite.Surf. Coat. Technol.,2017, 309,1045-1051.(中科院三区,影响因子2.589)

51.YangF., Zhang M.,Yang H.*, Yan W. L., Jiang F. T*. Effect ofaggregate size on liquid absorption characteristics of konjac glucomannansuperabsorbent.J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,2017, 134, 45416.(中科院四区,影响因子1.86)

52.SongS.,Yang H.*, Su C. P., Jiang Z. B., Lu Z. Ultrasonic-microwaveassisted synthesis of stable reduced graphene oxide modified melamine foam withsuperhydrophobicity and high oil adsorption capacities.Chem. Eng. J.,2016,306, 504-511.(中科院一区,影响因子6.216TOP期刊)

53.Yang H., Pi P. H., Yang Z. R., Lu Z., ChenR. Design of a superhydrophobic and superoleophilic film using curedfluoropolymer@silica hybrid.Appl. Surf. Sci.,2016, 388,268-273.(中科院二区,影响因子3.387TOP期刊)

54.SuC. P., Lu Z., Zhao H. P.,Yang H.*, Chen R*. Photoinducedswitchable wettability of bismuth coating with hierarchical dendritic structurebetween superhydrophobicity and superhydrophilicity.Appl. Surf. Sci.,2015,353, 735-743.(中科院二区,影响因子3.387TOP期刊)

55.Zhao, X.H.; Tsao, Y.C.; Lee, F.J.; Tsai, W.H.; Wang, C.H.; Chuang, T.L.;et al., Optical fiber sensor based on surface plasmon resonance for rapiddetection of avian influenza virus subtype H6: Initial studies.J VirolMethods2016, 233, 15-22.

56Liu, J.Y.; Zhou, R.; Li, L.; Peters, B.M.; Li, B.; Lin, C.W.; Chuang TL.; ChenDQ.;Zhao XH*.;Xiong ZY.; et al., Viable but non-culturablestate and toxin gene expression of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli 0157under cryopreservation.Res Microbiol2017, 168(3), 188-193.

57Zhao, X.H.; Lin, C.W, Rapid label-free visual detection of KRASmutations using peptide nucleic acid and unmodified gold nanoparticles.RscAdv2017 7(77), 48554-48560.

58Zhao, X.H.; Zhong, J.L.; Wei, C.J.; Lin, C.W.; Ding, T, CurrentPerspectives on Viable but Non-culturable State in Foodborne Pathogens.FrontMicrobiol2017, 8(703813): 580.

59Zhong, J.;and Zhao, X.*, Isothermal Amplification Technologies for theDetection of Foodborne Pathogens.Food Anal Method2018, 22, 1-18.

60Yu Yongxiang, Jia Hongtao, Zhao Chengyi. Evaluation of the effectsof plastic mulching and nitrapyrin on nitrous oxide emissions and economicparameters in an arid agricultural field, Geoderma, 2018,

61.YuYongxiang, Tao Hui, Yao Huaiying, Zhao Chengyi. Assessment of the effect ofplastic mulching on soil respiration in the arid agricultural region of Chinaunder future climate scenarios, Agr Forest Meteorol, 2018, 256-257: 1-9.

62.Yu Yongxiang,Zhao Chengyi, Jia Hongtao, Niu Baicheng, Sheng Yu,Shi Fengzhi. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer, soil temperature and moisture onthe soil-surface CO2efflux and production in an oasis cotton fieldin arid northwestern China , Geoderma, 2017, 308: 93-103.

63.Yu Yongxiang,Tao Hui, Jia Hongtao, Zhao Chengyi, Jia Hongtao.Impact of plastic mulching on nitrous oxide emissions in China's aridagricultural region under climate change conditions. Atmos Environ, 2017, 158:76-84.

64.Yu Yongxiang, Zhao Chengyi, Jia Hongtao. Ability of split ureaapplications to reduce nitrous oxide emissions: A laboratory incubationexperiment. Applied Soil Ecol, 2016, 100: 75-80.

65.Yu Yongxiang, Zhao C, Stahr K, Zhao X, Jia H. Plastic mulching increasedsoil CO2concentration and emissions from an oasis cotton field inCentral Asia. Soil Use Manage, 2016, 32: 230-239.

66.Chunqiao Xiao, Xiaoyan Wu, Tingting Liu,GuangXu, Ruan Chi.Microbial Community Structure of Activated Sludge for Biosolubilization of Two Different Rock Phosphates. ApplBiochem Biotechnol,2017, 182(2): 742-754

67. Chunqiao Xiao, Xiaoyan Wu, Tingting Liu,GuangXu, Ruan Chi.Optimizations of particle size and pulp density for solubilization of rock phosphate by a microbial consortium from activated sludge.Prepar Biochem Biotechnol, 2017, 47(6): 562-569

68.Chunqiao Xiao, GuangXu, Qi Wang, Ruan Chi.Biosolubilization of low-grade rock phosphate by mixed thermophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria, J Adv Oxid Technol, 2017, 20(2): 1-8

69. Chunqiao Xiao, Xiaoyan Wu, Ruan Chi.Dephosphorization of high-phosphorus iron ore using different sources ofAspergillus nigerstrains.Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2015, 176: 518–528

70. Chunqiao Xiao, Yujuan Fang, Ruan Chi. Phosphate solubilization in vitro by isolatedAspergillus nigerandAspergillus carbonarius. Res Chem Intermed, 2015, 41: 2867–2878


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73.韩新才,王存文,闫福安.我国高校卓越工程师人才培养存在问题与对策研究[J].教育教学论坛,2015,(31):59-61. ISSN1674-9324/CN13-1399/G4

74.韩新才.高校生物技术专业建设“十三五”规划探讨与实例[J].课程教育研究,2016,(4中旬刊):166-167. ISSN2095-3089/CN15-1362/G4

75.韩新才.高校教研室工作职能的分析探讨[J].课程教育研究,2016,(9上旬刊):177-178. ISSN2095-3089/CN15-1362/G4

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78.韩新才,熊艺,肖春桥,.地方高校“生物﹢”创新性复合型生物技术专业人才培养的探索与实践[J].高校生物学教学研究(电子版),2017,7(4):26-29. ISSN2095-1574/CN11-9307/R

79.韩新才,周文科,程波.高校基因工程课堂教学改革的探索与实践[J].化工高等教育,2018,32(2):36-39. ISSN1000-6168/CN31-1043/G4

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